Anyways back to my reason for this post and subsequent pictures...I was thinking, gee willikers, I haven't posted for over a week, and I really don't have much to share. BUT, I then decided I would bare all and take some pics of some of my wips in groups. There are ten pictured...ahhmmm.yes.ten. And they are all screaming at me, can you hear them? Should I send them to Margaret, Siobhan, Tanya to finish for me, or should I start more, to feed that start-i-tis addiction?

And the other half:

Any suggestions?
Life here continues to be good, lots of activity though, with summer in full swing, and I mean full swing with record high temps and humidity and storms to go along with it. My dear brother and his wife, were visiting and we had lots of good times. They have now went back to Texas and they will be missed!
Daughter Ashley is two weeks away from her due date and we are so ready!! Excited. Joyful. Thankful. Inpatient. Had a phone call yesterday morning, from DD, that had me flying around here, pulling clothes from the closet, calling son Scotty to come and check out the suv to make it ready for the trip and making lists of things, so I wouldn't forget to pack them. But it was a false alarm...she was just really fatigued I think, from a really uncomfortable, pain-filled sleepless night and was having lots of periodic contractions. So we are still waiting, but at least I have things ready to go!!
I hope that each of you is enjoying your summer and that you have lots of good stitching times during the lazy dog days!
Create some fun. Know you are loved. Stitch like it is the last day of your life.
I appreciate all of your comments...must be honest here, that is the motivation for me making a new post, the anticipation of your lovely words, almost like you are here in person for a visit! So thank you, in advance, you are the best!
Love, Jan
Awww, I'm always hoping for a new baby when I see that you've posted! Ashley must be soooo ready, and I'm sure the heat and humidity isn't helping. Lots of prayers that everything goes smoothly for her when the time comes! :)
I LOOOOVE your WIPs! Truthfully, I would probably have just as many if I brought them out of every place I've stashed things I've started. I usually figure that it's my prerogative to start as many things as I want; it is my hobby, after all. Other times I hyperventilate in the corner over everything I've started! Everything you have started is just soo nice, though. I loooooooove the changes that you've made to Sarah Salter!
Best of luck with the baby to be! :)
Your WIPs look wonderful! I would say start more if that's what you really want to do ;) I usually find that, if I'm in a startitis mood, once I've put a few stitches in a few different pieces, my urge is satisfied and I'm happy to go back to one of my longer-term WIPs.
WooHoo, Startitus!!! Love all of your projects, they look wonderful!
Oh my goodness! You DO have a lot of WIP's! I think I used to have that many..I took a year back in the 90s and vowed I would not start another project until everything I had was completely finished. At the time, I was stitching for a shop in Texas, too. I indeed finished everyting up, and it took much less time than I thought it would just by being consistent. Now I have only one WIP (Village of HRH), since I just finished Rubie's Owl Sampler, but I'm getting ready to start another piece. Hope everything goes well for the soon-to-be little arrival.
I am definitely one of those addicted starters. I have so much stuff laying around. It is just that I lack liking the old stuff. I so envy the listed ladies, and a few more, that have the strength and patience to start and finish a project one at a time.
But all your projects look very lovely.
Only 10?
Seriously you have a lot of great WIPS! Nothing to complain about there. If you find a serial finisher who stitches at the speed of light and works for FREE!! let me know!! LOL!
I'm excited about the baby, and I'm sure DD and DSIL would second and third that! I've always heard the mom-to-be should go for a nice long walk in the mall to get things rolling. Easy for me to say!
I love your WIPs also--what is the design with the yellow-dress woman in the upper left-hand corner of the design? (sort of upper middle of your charts)
Thanks so much for showing your WIPs--I've got chronic startitis, and I've stopped trying to tame it. And I've been soooo bored at work today--you've really perked me up.
Oh what fun! I love all your WIPs! And yes I have quite a few too -- at least that many!
I keep waiting for a baby report like Siobhan. Fingers crossed! It's so exciting! Good luck to everyone!
Jan it's always wonderful to see a post from you and I'm like Siobhan - I thought for sure it would be a baby announcement but soon I hope for all concerned.
Startitis - heck - I don't worry one bit about that ailment any more - I don't have a single guilty feeling and that's another reason I don't do exchanges or do much gifting of stitching. I stitch what I want when I want and I enjoy every minute of it and when I don't - I will quit and do something else. I know it's hard not to be able to crank out finishes like those who will not be named here (you know who you are!)but I just can't do it and to worry and fret about why I can't do it just takes all the joy out of stitching for me. People I consider friends both locally and out in the big wide world all respect me and support me for who I am and relish in what I feel are accomplishments in my little world - for that I am so appreciative and you dear Jan are one who is always so supportive of friends. Bless you - Love your WIP's - every one is lovely! Enjoy! Mel
Life is short...start something new every chance you get! Great WIPs!
Jan, your WIPs are great! I'd be afraid to pull all mine out at one time, but I say if you want to start something, go for it!
Here's hoping that the baby shows up very soon!
Great pictures of your WIPs! But I noticed a few were missing! LOL
Glad you are ready to roll in 902 when it is time for the babe to arrive! I am just thrilled for you, but also very relieved it isn't winter with all that ice!
Love ya, Robin
Jan, I love that you posted your WIPs!! I have a lot of those in my every-growing to-do pile and am thinking maybe I need to start them all too! :D I think it's great that you have so many - it will help you pass the time waiting for that baby to arrive.
I have just as many WIPs/UFOs as you do. So I have a rotation that works for me and lets me start new things as well.
So many fun projects! You could always close your eyes and pick one. Then after you've stitched on it for awhile start another new project!
Isn't it fun to have startitis! I had a serious case of this a while back. Then I got overwhelmed by the "I want to finish all of these now" bug, so I have tried to be good lately.
I, too, was hoping for a baby post. I'm sure Ashley and you can't wait.
I love start-i-tis! I seem to get it frequently. I was thinking "only 10?" when I read how many wips you have. I don't want to even count how many I have lingering around. I get bored easily and want to start everything I have in stash all at once. But I figure it is my hobby...I should enjoy it however I want. So I don't impose rules or expectations. I have tried both, and it just makes me crazier than having all the wips. :) Your stitching looks absolutely lovely by the way. Those are a lot of great designs that you have going. Hope you have a great week!
Those are some beautiful WIPs and I must admit...I think I could beat you :o( I'm terrible....but I'm getting better and actually finishing large projects along the way too!
I must admit too...blogging for me is an emotional and spiritual uplifting experience for me...I get to read lovely words from wonderful people! FUN!
wow! so many beautiful designs you have started. I do have quite some started too but my taste changes in what designs i do like so a few are...i'm afraid won't be finish at all.
Hope all goes well with your daughter.
What a lot of beautiful stitching you've done! All of the projects are great and I can see why you needed to start each and every one of them. I've also fallen to startitis many times which is why I currently have 34 WIPs. They will all get finished-eventually. So just enjoy your stitching and keep posting your progress for us to enjoy!
You may have startitis but the pieces you start sure are beautiful. So nice to see them and will enjoy watching your continued progress on them. Praying for Ashley.
I'm so proud of you for posting all your WIPs! I'm ashamed to post all of mine! LOL You know there's really no good way to get them all finished unless you don't start anything new. What fun is that?!?
Can't believe it's almost time for that little baby to arrive!! How exciting! Will be praying for that little one and a safe and speedy delivery.
At least you have made good progress on your starts! I have the same problem; but it keeps things interesting, I say! Hope your DD has a quick and easy delivery - have a safe trip!
Boy was I excited to read this post!! We should all be so brave to bare our WIP's!!! Outstanding, and not only have you started them, but several of them are very far along too!! There is something about starting a new project, and I just cant place my finger on the situation. Is it the beauty of a clean piece of linen, or the luster of the silks? There are very few that dont like 'starts'; I love starts. I am thrilled you took a picture of them, and they all are just gorgous!! I do understand the screaming, and I only think us stitchers can hear them. (Good! LOL) I cant wait to see which one you pick up to work on next!
We are patiently awaiting baby pics soon!!
Jan, I'm just is absolute awe of all your beautiful starts! WOW!!You have some wonderful things in progress and I'm really just drooling all over my keyboard! But you know, you're not in this alone. I think all of us diehard stitchers have WIPs all over the place (which now you have me thinking that I really should pull out all of mine and post them because I'm certainly not getting any stitching done lately). I do understand the part about the screaming from the WIPs. Ann Medd has been screaming in a loud pitched voice for months and it's becoming increasingly hard to ignore it (but I want to get going on Ellen Birdseye!!).
Not to be an enabler, but maybe another start would give you a kick, although with all the wonderful things you have going I would be in pig heaven stitching any one of those beautiful pieces! I think that we all just accumulate some wonderful projects and then can't wait to get our hands on all of them.
I'm sure all the heat and humidity isn't making Ashley's life any easier. I went through the summer with both kids and I know that as that due date looms near, you just want the whole thing over with. Lots of prayers and well wishes on a easy and safe delivery time for Ashley and the baby. I'm sure that you are just so excited! I can't wait to see pictures!
Having seen probably all of these WIPs in person, I certainly can understand why you started them all. They are all so wonderful and I can see why you couldn't resist the urge to start each and every one! We all have it at one time or another and right now I'm fighting off that urge myself! I did start a new patriotic piece on Monday to replace one of my finished ones but saw a whole bunch more when stash diving that I also want to start - and soon! LOL
Still waiting for that call to say you are heading up north. I'm sure Ashley is ready for the little stranger to make it's appearance. Hope she is staying cool in these awful temps.
OOOOH, so many yummy pieces underway :)
You know what I what feels right to you :) That's what stitching it all about :) If you want to start more projects-GO FOR IT :)
Big hugs dear friend :)
It's been a few days since your post I think, so I hope Ashley is doing well - maybe had her baby! I am also looking forward to that post and seeing your beautiful grandchild. I love your WIPS and certainly recognize a few I've done and I see a few more I'd like to start.
Hi Jan, well even though I don't have many wips, I totally get the thrill of the new start. I'll go back even further and say I like the anticipation of what I'll start next. I start thinking about it about halfway through whatever I'm working on currently. Shannon said it best about the blank linen and silks. And Siobhan is right, too. It's your party and you can stitch however you want to! Can't wait to hear about the new arrival.
So hard to wait for a new baby! Hope all goes perfectly when the time arrives.
I've aired all of the WIPs I could find months ago, but I haven't gotten to a single one of them! I know I have more than 10, so you definitely have company.
I think I've got you beat on the started projects! I don't think I could put them all out and photograph them, as that would probably stress me right out! LOL! You are so funny. Just be happy you have something you want to work on. I like the idea of sending them to someone else to finish...we should think on that.
I'm so excited for your new grand baby! What a wonderful experience. Post pictures soon!
Take care.
Oh Jan, all your WIPs are so lovely. You always have pieces with such wonderful color combinations. I had startitis this last few weeks too, but then I go back to stressing about all of the WIP's. Too Funny. I loved seeing "10" of yours. Like Robin, I believe there are more, LOL.
Can't wait to hear about the baby, hope it is soon.
Hello Jan! I just found your blog while looking for fellow Mary Wigham stitchers, and it is GORGEOUS!!! (your blog). I would love to find out how to do a custom background like you have done...not for awhile though, til I get off of dial-up. Your starts are so appealing...I would be itching to pick up that sampler, the one with it looks like tulips in the`s lovely. But then there is the four houses sampler also, and of course you HAVE to start Mary Wigham soon...*big grin*
LOL Jan, Startitis is the name of the game in know that by now!! Go check out my blog! I do think Siobhan and Nicole and others contribute to our dilinquency, however. :] I've finally decided this year that we can't take it all with us so we should just start it all and enjoy it! How I love my grandbabies...I hope your new one comes very soon.
Such pretty WIPs. I think I have about 15 myself, so you are not alone!!! I'm definitely going to start sending mine to Margaret...she is so fast!
I have to jump in here and say, I'll finish your LHN for you. I try to finish most of what I start (but who doesn't love a good start?) but I also have several pieces around that I just can't get moving on and get them finished. Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog. I appreciate them all. Nice to know that you are a fellow Hoosier.
Wow! What a lot of lovely "starts"! They look great - such a pleasure to look at them all. Just keep on with them one at a time and you'll be sure to make good progress. x
You have some wonderful WIPs going there. I say finish one - start two! :)
I have been following your blog and I have something for you in mine!
Your pieces are a delight to my eyes.
Oh my oh my oh my, so many wonderful and beautiful WIPs. I'd love to have them all, lol.
Good luck to your daughter!
Ohhh.... So many lovelies to drool over my dear, KS! Hmmmm I don't know which one I love the most, but you know I love them all... And what ever is that delightful wee bit of stitching I see peeking out so sweetly from beneath Eve and LHN's Seasonal Saltbox Sampler? Hmmmm curious minds want to know... ;) *** I'm ducking and running for cover now!***
Methinks, I should do something similiar... Mayhap it would motivate me, or rather I should say, shame me out of my Tortoise stitching mode! ;)
And I'm waiting on my pictures, dah'lin! Not so patiently I might add! ;)
Love you to the moon and back, my dear KS!
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