I have been busy with designing and trying to get some organizing done around the homestead. Don't have much to show for it, the organizing that is, since most of the organizing is going on in my head only. Anyone else do that? I really need to get busy though with some of it, I have out of town company coming weekend after next and much to do!
I did start a new blog, for my design business, Tree of Life Sampling, if any of you would like to visit, the blog addy is: treeoflifesamplings.blogspot.com I will be posting updates, sneaky peaks, etc of the designs as they are released. I did post a sneaky peek of my newest design Quaker Silence. I will post a pic just as soon as it is framed and photographed! Hope you like what you see! I also have another one at a model stitcher's house now, and hopefully will have something to show you in a few short weeks!
The reason for the title of this blog post, is because I recently have been gifted with some beautiful framed needlework, from a very loving and dear friend. Robin (no blog) gifted me with A Bitter Flower Sampler from Birds of A Feather and I do believe that she sent the piece to Terri to have framed! That is before Terri lost her framer, bless her heart! It is glorious, as you can see below:

And another of the beautiful molding, close up:

Also not long ago, she stitched and framed another lovely for me, Black Willow Tree Farm by Carriage House Samplings:

I have been, between designing, formatting and packaging up patterns, doing Only One Ewe business and trying to keep the house somewhat presentable, trying to whittle a little away at some of my wips! I managed to finished LHN's Seasonal Saltbox series, and here is a pic:

And another straight on shot:

Little House Needleworks Seasonal Saltbox Series
40 Ct Lakeside Vintage Lentil
Crescent Colours fibers
I am close to a finish on La-D-Da's A Right Spirit and will share my finish very soon. I also hope to start La-D-Da's You Are My Sunshine, for my Allie Bug, so very anxious to start this one. Also hope to get a stocking started and finished for her, but with the way times moves so swiftly, I may need to burn the midnight oil to get it done! Also have put in a few stitches on Seven Days of Creation by Plum Street Samplers. So, I am managing some stitching, thankfully for model stitchers! You are the bestest!!
My lil Allie Bug will be coming for an overnight visit the 3rd of October! I am very excited, it has been since early August since I saw her last, and I know she is growing like a weed!
That's about it for now, hope to catch up with your blogs to see what you all have been up to. I am a couple days behind on my reading and commenting, but hope to remedy that very soon!
Thanks for stopping by, thanks for commenting, and thanks for visiting my new blog, second home away from home!!
Take some time for you, and put in some magical stitches!!
Love, Jan