We have a wrap-around weekend with warmer temps turning to bitter cold, at least this time of year! Today the sun is shining, after a Sunday or monsoon rain and hail. Here is a pic of the backyard deck, that I snapped with the hail covering. I should have waited for it to stop, cause the deck was virtually covered, before it turned to all rain:

As promised here are a couple of WIPS that do need my attention:

Moira Blackburn's Time and Season Sampler
32 Ct Antique Ivory Belfast
DMC as charted
I don't know what it is with this project, that I started years ago, and have made little attempts at working on. I know it is a large one, but not that large. I am thinking of dying the whole thing when I get it done? Am I crazy? Of course, I am, but has anyone ever dyed a finished project? And if so, how did it turn out? I know that I am safe on the fabric and fibers not being hand-dyed, I would appreciate your thoughts, cause I would definitely love it better, if I could make it more primitive!! Considering the time I started it, is why I didn't dare go with anything but what was charted by the designer. But today, I would have definitely used silks or overdyeds on an overdyed linen...may have even changed the color palette. Sorry the red-checkered tablecloth is showing through in this pic!
Here is another one, that I really need to get back to and as soon as This Is The Day is finished, I am going to! I did change the fibers to Belle Soie Silks, instead of the charted DMC.

Mary Garry's Sewing Cabin Mariette Swift
32 Ct Sheep's Straw by R&R
Belle Soie Silk Conversion
And I promise this is the LAST share I will bore you with, for This Is The Day, until it is finished!!

Hands To Work This Is The Day
32 Ct French Vanilla by R&R
My Own Conversion to a Different Palette, all Overdyed Fibers.
I love, love everything about this sampler, and have truly enjoyed each and every stitch so far, BUT that background behind the alphabet is SO daunting, I am not at all good at mindless stitching, takes forever!! I hope to finish this week, wish me luck!
Thank you all that have been praying for my daughter! She is out of the hospital and at home, unable to work. She has a doctor's visit tomorrow, hopefully they can shed some light on things. Appreciate your continued good thoughts and prayers!
Thanks for visiting, you truly all have given me inspiration and encouragement with your lovely and kind comments! Thanks in advance!!
Happy Easter Blessings to You And Yours, if I don't post again until after the weekend!