When my friend Mary, was here for a visit a few weeks ago, of course, we had to do a little shopping. I found this really neat box, that screamed 'Take Me Home! Found it at Joann's and it was very reasonably priced! I decided that I would keep all of my projects for stitching ornaments and smalls this year. My goal is get back to getting lots of ornaments stitched in '09! I have been away from doing that for a couple of years, and this is the year, to have plenty. I hope I keep up that momentum, because I have a lot of other stitching in the works, many of them larger projects to keep me busy. But if I am good, and do some every month, then that will get me away from doing larger projects, and the result will be at least a few finishes! LOL

On another note, I just spoke with my darling baby daughter! She had a doctor's visit today and all went well. She is at around 20 weeks along. I got so tickled at her yesterday, because she was more then a little disturbed at some of the changes, random aches and funny pains going on in her body. Guess it is natural for a first time mother, to go through this, and fret about 'What If'? I was so glad she was able to go over these things with the ob gyn today, and put her worries to rest...at least for today!!
I am out of here for now, have a full day of packaging orders and getting them ready to go to the post office tomorrow! I love my job!:)
Thanks for visiting!