Here is a pic of the drive home the other day. This is the road that takes me the back way home, not one I travel much in the winter, because it is narrow and very curvy! But boy is it scenic and does have it's attributes, not only the glorious backwoods areas, but it gets me out of the traffic jams going the other way!

Alas, I should have taken the pic a couple of weeks ago, because now so many of those leaves, are dying and turning a yucky brown color! We have had quite alot of colder weather, but thankfully no snow yet. I do like winter and snow, but it is too early for that, at least for me!
Another pic, of some mums and pumpkins I got for the front porch:

See Kitty Disco?
Also, the lucky me part of my title, referrs to this lucky, lucky win, I received on Jolene's blog recently! You are such a generous heart, Jolene and I just love my goodies!

Blackbird Designs Midnight Watch, with all of the fibers to stitch it, a lovely cut of linen for it, purchased from Shepherd's Bush, an ever so cute kitty ornament, that looks so much like the kitty on top of the house...everything you see in this picture! Thanks again, Jolene, for the opportunity to play and win, at your wonderful blog! If you haven't visited Jolene's blog,Dip Diddley Designs be sure and do so today!
I posted on Tree of Life Samplings blog yesterday, about taking New Mercies, my next design to the framer's! Yay! I can't wait to share with you all, I do so hope you like it! I also posted a little complimentary design for you to click on and print off, if you would like, so be sure and visit there! I will have the unveiling for New Mercies, sometime early next week, just as soon as I get it back from the framer's and snap some pics!
Stitching on Emma Rose Christmas now! Just as soon as I get a little more done, I will post a sneak peek of it! I am really excited about this one, it is the first, in what I hope to be a series of memoirs, celebrating my great-grandmother's life!
Will leave you with one last picture of my Allie Bug...she is helping Momma with the laundry it seems! LOL I am just glad that Ashley uses plastic hangers, and not the wire variety, or it might not have been a laughing matter!

Till next time, make some magic with your stitching!
Love, Jan
Magic atmosphere, adores halloween and the pumpkins!
Your front porch looks so pretty, and what a gorgeous drive home you had! Lovely giveaway you received, and yes, very generous - lucky you! Allie is absolutely, positively adorable!
OOOH, BEEutiful pics dear one :) Wish I were there :)
Love your Alliebug :)
((hugs and love))
Love your pics! Your mums are so pretty- I need to get some before it's too late. Allie is such a sweetie pie!
Great pictures! Great prize too -- I won one from Jolene as well! Allie is so cute! Yes, it's good it's a plastic hanger, that's for sure. :D
What a pretty way to get to drive home! Allie is so cute! That Jolene sure is a sweet thing, isn't she?
What a wonderful warm and 'harvest' feel that your front porch has! Don't you love back roads especially in the autumn?!?!
Your goodies from Jolene are incredible!
Too funny about AllieBug and the clothes hanger -- go Ashley on the early training!
Love EWE, R
OOOhhhhhh....a new pattern in the wings, huh?! I can't wait to see your Emma Rose, sounds fun. Anticipation, there is nothing like it. Did you receive the second pkg. with the white pumpkin in it???
Allie Bug is so cute and happy!! You are a very Lucky Grandma.
Great pictures - and congrats on winning the giveaway. Happy Birthday to your dear mother. :) Your little Alliebug is so cute!
Love the peak at the new designs!
Lovely photos. Love the giveaway package that you won. What lovely goodies. And of course none of it outshine little Ally. A beuaty for sure. :)
Hope you enjoy your mom's b-day celebration - parents are such a treasure. the autumn photos are super and make me wish we saw color way down here in the deep south. WHOOO - new designs - can't wait to see them - enjoy your little allie bug! Mel
Beautiful pictures. Allie is just wonderful.
Love all the autumn pictures. Hope your mom's birthday celebration is perfect :-).
Can't wait to see the sneak peek of your new piece. I love sentimental designs.
Great pictures and such wonderful stash prize.
Have a nice weekend!
What a cute pic of Allie! ;) She's such a cutie patootie. Your front porch is beautiful, and your drive--wow! What splendor. Lovely giveaway by Jolene!
I love the sight of your front porch, it looks very inviting.
Lucky you for winning that nice give away. Enjoy all the goodies.
What a sweet baby!!! And a gorgeous win, you lucky woman! Your house is awesome looking-very nice!
What wonderful Fall pictures! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on winning Jolene's giveaway. She is such a sweetie!
Take Care.
Love the pumpkins and mums!! Can't wait to see your new designs!
Your photos are awesome. What a pretty front porch to come home to.
I was surprised to read that you were designing a sampler celebrating your Grandma, I've been thinking of doing the same thing for awhile now. My grandma's name was Emma Marie. What a coincidence. I can't wait to see yours.
Great win, Miss Lucky! Good for you. Your porch looks ready for fall, and your sweet baby is so cute.
Wow, Jan, your front porch looks great. Beautiful home! You won't found them in the Netherlands like that.
Your Allieburg is so sweet! Just adorable.
Autumn has a strong association with American football, as the regular season begins during September and ends with playoff competition in December or January, in the winter season.
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