I have been getting a little stitching done, but not as much as I would like. First picture share is of Sarah Salter by Sheepish Designs and I did change the color palette quite alot in this piece, I converted the DMC to Belle Soie Silks and so far I am loving it! Of course I love Red! I took out all of the blues and pinks in the design (sure hope that Sarah forgives me for that, but I think she would understand!)
Not the greatest of pictures, since I have no natural light, but you can get the idea:

Sarah Salter by Sheepish Designs
36 ct R&R Liberty Gathering Gray
Belle Soie Silks, Conversion
Next is a new start! Since I saw this stitched, I have wanted to do it, just now deciding to bring it out to start! I did change a couple of the NPI silks, since my fabric choice is darker then what was recommended. Not much done, but a start:

Eve by La-D-Da
40 Ct Lakeside Vintage Basketweave
NPI Silks, as charted, with two changes
Now on to the last part of my title, FREEDOM!! I made a decision this month, that I would forego making goals for the month, with my stitching. I have set goals every month for at least the last four years, and I don't know whether it is me, or just the time goes so quickly...anyway, by the time the first of May came, I said to myself "Self, oh drudgery, time to set those goals AGAIN!" I then decided no more, I would just stitch on what I wanted to, and probably get just as much done, and not have that proverbial goal-listing monkey on my back! After all, I have enough to do lists around here, and at my age, they are getting a bit cumbersome!! So I am FREE...FREE...FREE!!!! And it feels so good!! I am enjoying my stitching lots more!! OH yes, there will be some obligation stitching, gifts, an RR I am currently in, but that isn't near so overwhelming as those goal lists!!!:) Do any of you set goals for yourself? If so, it is a good thing, don't mean that, it is just time for me to do something different!!
I will leave you with a couple of pics, here is my Andy Boo, stitching buddy, he is a male calico and just as sweet as he can be! Course now, I caught him napping and he did not appreciate that flash on the camera, hence the half-closed eyes and his mouth is open yelling at me! LOL He does a lot of talking to me...and I am not sure what that black-looking thing in his mouth is! LOL LOL

And lastly here is a pic of my lilac bush in the front, wish I had snapped the pic a few days earlier, it was much prettier then, but oh my the smell is wonderful!

Till next time, enjoy your neck of of the woods, and I hope you get plenty of time to cross those stitches!! Thanks so much for visiting and your so kind and warm comments! I love reading them!!
Love, Jan
As usual, you're stitching things I want to stitch! Beautiful, both of them!
Beautiful stitching. I love your lilacs. For some reason I have only a few blooms on mine this year. :(
I totally agree with you about the goals. One reason why I don't do them. :) Enjoy your new found freedom.
Great projects you have in the works! Isn't Eve a fun design, and I love your color choices for Sarah Salter.
I started giving myself goals this year. I did it for three months! Why not stitch what makes you happiest! After all, this hobby is to be enjoyed.
You are so lucky to have a lilac bush. They are one of my favorites, and the scent is something undescribable it's so wonderful!
I love your kitty! Mine always try to steal my skeins of thread!
My goodness Jan, you are making some great choices on Sarah AND BELLE SOIE!!! YEAH!! I love Belle Soie. Eve is a great piece, and as usual, seeing it stitched up instead of the lousy picture always makes us want to stitch that one and this one and oh yeah- that one too!! LOL. Excellent start! No lists for stitching is a great idea. Lists are for things we wont forget to do, stitching on the other hand, we wont forget!! I have set goals for the year, ie what samplers I would like to get done, and out of 9 major pieces, I have completed 3 so far. If at the end of the year, all 9 are not done (and I dont think they will be :(, oh well, there is always next year right?!! Gorgeous lilacs, and I bet they smell absolutely fabulous! Have you brought any into the house? Thanks for your comments, and yes I have stitched the houses last year. I guess I was waiting for the right piece of fabric for the other one! Ta-Da! Found it!! :)
I enjoyed seeing your start on Sarah & Eve. I bet those lilacs do smell wonderful. What a cute picture of Andy Boo!
Andy's a cutie patootie! He reminds me of my beloved Ginger June, who is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. :) Give him some extra cuddles for me!
I LOVE your Eve start! It looks great. I have it in my stash but haven't started it yet. Seeing your Sarah makes me want to start mine all over! I am not a fan of the pinks in it but of course never thought of stepping outside the box and changing them. I'm going to enjoy watching your Sarah as you work on it!
Your lilac bush looks beautiful! I will have to see if they grow here--I'd love to have one.
YGG on not setting goals! LOL I think you have to do what makes you happiest. Goals are good when they're fun to do, but when they become a monkey on your back, let them go and enjoy the ride. Stitching is meant to be fun!
I love the floss conversion for Sarah! I have her, and I looked at the charted colors and thought eh...and now I'm looking at it differently. Sometimes I forget that we aren't slaves to the pattern.
I'm with you on the no-goals stitching. I refuse to do goals with my stitching; there are so many other requirements and obligations in my life that it just makes me feel so relaxed and free to stitch what I want when I want. Start six things in a month? Fine! Stitch and 20 different things? Great! Actually blogging about my stitching keeps me more on track than a list of goals anyway.
Love your lilac bush/tree--I really need to plant one at this house, but it's going to be a real long time before it looks as full and lush as that one.
Hey Jan - I totally agree with Glenna - completely - Do what makes you happy and I am happy to see you have 2 new starts - Fun and beautiful! You are so talented with your color conversions - I also forget that we are not slaves to the chart - it's just one designers interpretation of the way it should be - even with true repros sometimes even expert designers will disagree about how something should be charted from the original. Congratulations on being free - I also want to wish you a very happy mothers day and a wonderful weekend to do whatever makes you happy. Hugs Mel
It's great to see that you've set yourself free from monthly goal setting! I think following your interests will give you a real sense of satisfaction instead of let down. :)
Your new starts are sure pretty! I've got something in the wings waiting to be started using the NPI's I bought when I was there last month. Can't wait to work on it next month!
Boo is such a sweetie! And ladies, his fur is sooooo soft!! Give him and Disco a hug from me!
I think it's great that you are free of the goal list! I've thought about it, but right now it still gives me that extra push that I sometimes need when I have a project that is sometimes neglected. Enjoy your freedom!!
Oooh, lovely new starts. I am looking forward to seeing your red Sarah conversion! Glad you found the FREEDOM to stitch. Sometimes we don't realize the things we tie ourselves down with till we let go, do we? Interesting thought.
Love the lilac and your sweet sleepy kitty photos!
Great new starts, Jan and your Lilac bush looks beautiful.
Happy mother's Day this coming sunday!
Love the stitching - great pics of your baby and bush, too! Isn't it nice to be free? :)
Wooo Hooo! You go Girl!!! I knew I'd win you over to goal free stitching if I kept at it! lol And it was so subtle that you never even saw it coming! ;) Isn't it marvelous? You know I tried working to the schedule you made out for me last month... but failed miserably and didn't even make it one month! lol I am so glad you joined me in the land of free-spirited stitching! ;)
Sarah and Eve are looking just beautiful my dear, and I can't wait to see more! You know I'm going to have to join you and stitch them sooner rather than later! :) And now to figure out how to double, or even better tripple, the hours in a day so I can stitch everything I want to stitch!
Oh, Andy Boo is adorable, Sweetie! He's so handsome! Thanks for posting his photo and you will have to share photos of the rest of your wee fur-babies... And your Lilac Bush is gorgeous!!! I so wish I had one here... Dry some petals for me! :)
I did manage a bit of stitching today at work in between the hectic times... we had a slow lull mid-afternoon but then it picked up again... hopefully the rest of the weekend will not be a repeat of today!
Tootles for now, my dear KS...
Blessings, love and hugs... always in stitches! :)
What beautiful stitching, Jan! I'm proud of you for breaking out of your goal setting regime and getting a taste of goal-free living. I like setting goals, but sometimes I just like to wing-it.
Oh Jan I have Eve in the stash! Love that one!!! Can't wait to see her come to life! I don't set stitching goals....I was like you...got bogged down by them...same with a rotation. Nope. Seems like something about the pressure of deadline or 'goal' with the stitching really stressed me out and took the enjoyment out of stitching! Glad you're FREE FREE FREE!!!
Both your WIPs are great projects.
I once tried to set goals but quit after three months. At the end of each month I was frustrated because I didn't reach this or that goal and then it went on the new goal list again and wasn't done again. I also prefer to stitch what comes to my needle. I'm even reducing the number of committment stitching this year although I love exchnages etc but I feel that I need more stitching time for myself and my projects.
I do set stitching goals but I don't get mad if I don't get them done. Except I have a goal of stitching one JCS ornament once a month and haven't been able to do that at all this year. Hoping to remedy that this month. Love your WIPs.
Great pics-your lilac is gorgeous. And I love that La D Da piece.
Hi Jan! Love your WIP. I love red as well, so good choice!
I'm so glad you are free..free...free! It makes me want to do the same! I loved having goals at first, but when they don't get done you feel like a big failure. Good for you! Thanks for the inspirations.
Your lilac tree is wonderful! Your kitty is darling too! Have a great week with lots of stitching!
Love your conversion on Sarah Salter.
I am anti-rotation right now ;-). Goals seem like a form of a rotation to me so I am all for your new plan!
Those are looking good Jan!
I don't set stitching goals...I have numerous things started (and just love starting more) and I stitch on whatever I feel like stitching at the time.
Liberation is a wonderful thing! Nothing like the feeling of freedom.
Your projects are absolutely beautiful ... such rich colors. Viewing your progress motivates me.
Thanks for the lilacs. Most of the buds on the bushes in my little neighborhood were pinched by snowstorms, so I'm living vicariously through you.
I love that Sheepish Design you are working on.Great start. I no longer keep goals I like the freedom of starting everything :)
Lilac, my favorite I bet they smell wonderful. And you kitty is a doll looks my Cali I had growing up.
Take Care
I love the color changes you made, good choices.
I love to see la-D-Da WIP's sure wish there was more out there. I just bought another one today. so I will being having a WIP too.
The lilac's are so darn beautful.
Andy Boo is gorgeous.
Take care!!
Jan, Jan, Jan!!!! I love your Sarah Salter start - the colors are gorgeous - and Eve is looking beautiful, too! I agree with you - freedom to stitch what you want, when you want is what it's all about ~ good for you!!!!
Your kitty is a cutie!
Hi Jan, I've wondered what your needle has been up to. Now, I know. Miss Sarah is going to be just fab in your color choices. Red is my favorite color. Can't wait to see her unfold. Good for you with throwing those goals out the window. I've never felt the need to do that. Stitching is like breathing to me, and as long as I'm doing one, I'll be doing the other. How jealous am I that you have a lilac bush? I'd give anything to smell that wonderful fragrance.
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